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President: Andrea Munoz-Hernandez, Ph.D., GISP. Mich. Dept. of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy
Vice President: vacant
Secretary: John Yellich, Michigan Geological Survey
Treasurer : Peter Rose Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Business Manager: Peter Rose, Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Past President: Jennifer Trout, Michigan Geological Survey
Newsletter Editor: Arlene Anderson-Vincent, Blue Triton Brands
Webmaster: John Esch, Michigan Geological Survey
MBGS has monthly meetings typically on the 2nd Wednesday
of each month from September - May
Michigan Basin Geological Society will award two scholarships up to $500 each to students conducting graduate or undergraduate research in geology related to Michigan. The scholarships will be awarded at an upcoming MBGS meeting and the winner(s) will be notified In December. We hope recipients can attend a spring MBGS meeting to present their research topic. Candidates should complete and submit the MBGS scholarship application form by December 20, 2024 to John A. Yellich, MBGS Secretary, at jasty98@aol.com with subject Line: MBGS Scholarship 2024. Applications can be found on MBGS’s Scholarship Page
MBGS Publications ‐ There are two (2) new publications available! See details on the Publications page
MBGS On-line Store - Shop for shirts, hats, bags and other items. Check it out at: http://www.cafepress.com/mbgs
MBGS continues to strive to provide a platform for geologist and environmental professionals to connect and offer learning and field trip opportunities. For 2024-2025, our annual dues are $35. Student Membership is free. Email any one of our officers if you are a student and would like to be a member. We now offer the option to renew your professional membership via PayPal. Please refer to the renewal notices that are included in the newsletter. Student Membership is free.
Professional Membership Dues

Opportunity for Members: MBGS is seeking members who are interested in getting involved. We need a Vice President, Treasurer, and a Secretary for the 2024-2025 year. If you are interested in these opportunities, please reach out to any of the executive committee members.
Opportunity for Presenters: MBGS is seeking presenters for Michigan Basin geologically-related topics for our 2024-2025 membership meetings. If interested, please contact Andrea Muno-Hernandez at munozhernandeza@michigan.gov.
Next Meeting
Please join us for the Michigan Basin Geological Society’s membership meetings for the 2023-2024
MBGS Christmas Party & Dinner Meeting: December 11th, 2024, Drinks 6:00, Dinner 6:30 PM
Dinner Meeting-Coral Gables East Lansing
Speaker: MBGS members who have had recent trips to Iceland: Sara Pearson, John Yellich, & Peter Rose
Topic: Iceland Slide show
Bring the family for dinner and a slide show about our members recent visits to Iceland. Dinner:
Tossed salad, Beef tips and gray, Mashed potatoes, Broccoli, Spinach Lasagna, Sodas included for $30 per person. Cash bar will be available. RSVP to Jen Trout by Dec 4th
Jennifer.L.Trout@wmich.edu or call (269) 290-4048.
Go to Presentations page for recent MBGS presentations as PDF file
Below are links to recordings of the past (3) MBGS meetings
A 3-D Bedrock Geologic and Hydrostratigraphic Model of Southern Ontario
Date: April 13th, 2022
Meeting Recording:
Below are the 2 original presentations that Terry presented:
A Revised 3-D Geologic Model of the Bedrock of Southern Ontario and Progress on Development of a 3-D Hydrostratigraphic Model
A 3-D Bedrock Hydrostratigraphic Model of Southern Ontario
Articles referenced in the presentation:
A Hydrostratigraphic Framework for the Paleozoic Bedrock of Southern Ontario
A Three-Dimensional Geological Model of the Paleozoic Bedrock of Southern Ontario, Groundwater Resources Study 19 Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8618
Lake Michigan Shorelines, Catastrophic Failure or Stable, That is the Question, Date: Jan 12, 2022
Meeting Recording:
Grand Canyon MBGS Field Excursions, Date: Feb 9, 2022
Meeting Recording:
Geology in the News
New Survey Publication – An Updated Bibliography of Michigan Geology
John Yellich and Peter Voice, Western Michigan University Department of Geological Sciences and Michigan Geological Survey
The Michigan Geological Survey is proud to announce a new publication: Michigan Geology: A Bibliography, the second volume in the Michigan Geological Survey Data Compilation Series. This updated compilation lists over 7,700 references from all known Michigan sources, including industry, professional associations and universities and includes publications from 1818 to present. This report documents 200 years of Geological Research in Michigan. The Bibliography is sorted into four general categories – Precambrian, Basin, Quaternary, and Other.
This updated version of the bibliography also includes a short section on Michigan Stratigraphic Nomenclature, as well as brief discussion of historical trends in publication frequency in Michigan.
The report is free to download at the Michigan Geological Survey’s webpage: https://wmich.edu/geologysurvey/research/publications.

Douglass Houghton, Michigan’s first State Geologist, was honored on September 10, 2016 by
the placement of a State of Michigan Historical Marker commemorating his accomplishments. The
effort was led by Arlene Anderson‐Vincent, members of the Michigan Basin Geological Society,
Keweenaw County Historical Society and faculty at Western Michigan University and Michigan
Technological University. The dedication was incorporated into a MBGS field excursion led by
Professor Ted Bornhorst of Michigan Technological University and Lawrence Molloy, President of the Keweenaw County Historical Society. The two led a field excursion that covered the geology and history of sites from Houghton to Copper Harbor and wove a tale of the rise and fall of mining in the copper range. The field excursion included the dedication of the marker, which is located in Eagle River, Michigan at the Keweenaw County Historical Museum. The dedication had many speakers and a special appearance from Kyle Bagnall, who portrayed Bela Hubbard who told the story of Douglass Houghton’s 1840 expedition along Lake Superior. Douglass Houghton died in 1845 when the boat carrying himself and his crew capsized during a storm on Lake Superior near Eagle River.

Michigan Basin Geological Society

The Michigan Basin Geological Society (MBGS) was founded in 1936 as an affiliated non-profit organization of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas relating to the field of petroleum geology through field excursions and meetings.
Throughout the years, the role of the society has changed, and both meetings and field excursions now address a wide range of topics pertaining to the study of geology of Michigan and the great lakes area, and is open to anyone interested in geology.
MBGS has monthly meetings typically on the second Wednesday of each month from September through May. These meeting consist of a lecture on a wide variety of Michigan geology related topics. The meetings are open to all. The Executive Committee Officers meet prior to the meeting to discuss Society issues and is open to anyone interested in attending. The society has 1-3 geological field trips per year.
MBGS members are geologists, work in a geology related field, or are a geology student or hobbyist. The Society is dedicated to the advancement of the science of geology and related fields, disseminating knowledge of geology or related fields for the benefit of its members, and promoting the education of geology in Michigan. Annual dues are $35 per person and $10 per student.
Upcoming Events
May, 2025 Institute on Lake Superior Geology, Mountain Iron, Minn.
EGLE Calendar of Training and Workshops
Michigan State University, College of Natural Science, Department of Earth and Environmental Science,
Events https://ees.natsci.msu.edu/events/
Michigan Tech – Geoseminars ‐ http://pages.mtu.edu/~raman/SilverI/Geoseminar/Welcome.html
University of Michigan Earth and Environmental Science
Events https://lsa.umich.edu/earth
Western Michigan University, Geological and Environmental Sciences
Events https://wmich.edu/geology/events