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Michigan Basin Geological Society Historical Publications Disk 3

Reissue on CD-ROM of six out-of-print Field Guidebooks, $15

Note: This CD is for sale. If you are interested in one of them please contact Publication Sales.

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MBGS — Publications
P.O. Box 14044
Lansing, MI 48901


Pleistocene and Early Paleozoic of the Eastern Part of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan June 18-21, 1948

•Itinerary and Road Log

Stratigraphy and Structure of the Devonian Rocks in Southeastern MI and Northwestern OH June 20-21, 1952

•Itinerary and Road Log by G. M. Ehlers, R. V. Kesling, J. G. Rulison, E. C. Strumm and G. Winston

Lower Ordovician and Upper Cambrian of Wisconsin May 10-12, 1990

•Road Log by C. Byers, R. H. Dott and G. Smith

Guidebook to the Precambrian Geology and Metallogeny of the Central Upper Peninsula of Michigan September 12-13, 1991

  • Precambrian of the Central Upper Peninsula of Michigan by R. A. Brozdowski

  • Marquette Greenstone Belt, Geologic Overview by R. C. Johnson

  • Archean Geology of the Northern Block of the Ishpeming Greenstone Belt, Marquette County,

  • Michigan by R. C. Johnson and T. J. Bornhorst

  • Field Trip Stops include articles:

  • Peninsula Prospect: An Archean Gold Occurrence in Michigan's Upper Peninsula by A. S. Carter

  • Ropes Gold Deposit, Marquette Greenstone Belt, Michigan: Gold Concentration in a Dilational Bend in a Shear Zone by R. A. Brozdowski

  • Early Proterozioc Rocks and Iron Ores of the Marquette Range, Michigan by W. F. Cannon

  • The Champion Mine, Marquette County, Michigan: Geochemistry of Selected Minerals by A. W. Heft and D. J. Matty

Diamond Bearing Kimberlite and Related Geology in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan April 31 and May 1, 1993

  • Road Log by T. Chartier

  • Michigan Kimberlite Province (Abstract) by W. Jarvis and J. Kalliokoski

  • The Texture and Mineralogy of the Lake Ellen Kimberlite, Crystal Falls, Michigan (Abstract) by T. Chartier

  • Michigan Kimberlites: An Update by W. Jarvis

  • Geology and Ore Deposits of the Iron River-Crystal Falls District, Iron County, Michigan by H. L. James, C. E. Dutton, F. J. Pettijohn and K. L. Wier

  • Ore Deposits, Mining and Production

  • Geology of Central Dickinson County, Michigan by H. L. James, L. D. Clark, C. A. Lamey and F. J. Pettijohn

  • The Potential for Diamond-Bearing Kimberlite in Northern Michigan and Wisconsin by W. F. Cannon and M. G. Mudrey, Jr.

Karst Geology of The Northeast Lower Peninsula, Michigan April 21-22, 1995

  • 1995 Field Conference Road Log by T. J. Black

  • The Pleistocene Glacial Record in the area of Alpena, Montmorency and Presque Isle Counties, Michigan by W. R. Farrand

  • Opportunities for Water Quality Management in Karst Areas of Northeast Michigan by C. Gregory

  • Oil and Gas Potential of Northeast Michigan by D. Boothman and C. Priddy

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